Monday, 29 June 2009

test 2





Sunday, 28 June 2009

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

About Maneu

Product Maneu is setup primarily to share comprehensive information and resources in regards to Product Design. No matter if you are an undergraduate, already a professional or someone who is from other discipline of design, I hope these resources available here will come in handy. Well the secondary agenda is that I can finally get organized with these research and thoughts so I could refer back whenever I need to.

A good friend of mine once said to me “NO”, but for me, I find no harm in sharing information. I have yet to discover any ‘secret recipe’ which I want to keep to myself, after all information is always readily available as long as you put in some effort. With that said, I hope one day the future of Product Maneu will be one that is a collective community, where people could learn something from and in turn, I could learn even more from everyone else. Though, right now, I have no idea how to achieve that but I guess I would just start from here. =D

In addition, you might also want to visit my personal blog @ pusse-in-boots.blogspot

loweylee ^^

Monday, 15 June 2009