Wednesday 5 August 2009

honest design - Oxo

Alex Lee at Gel 2008 from Gel Conference on Vimeo.

(You cant play directly from here. Click on the video to link yourself there.)

Alex Lee is the CEO of the New York based, Oxo. The company initially started out to produce kitchen tools more suitable for the elderly folks, and later branched out to deal with other household needs, office stationary and even gardening equipments.

In his speech, he explains Oxo’s design philosophy in designing universal products that ergonomically suits the minority market group, but fits in with ease with the majority as well. Other than the ergonomics, the ease of use and in understanding the product, he also mentioned about their honest language (not misleading). In other words, Oxo products are meant to be the classic ‘Fool-proof’ product.

Another admirable point of the company is their keen observation they conduct and the subtle innovative ideas implemented to improve satisfaction value in usage, even without the users realizing it. Surely, Oxo products are not meant to dazzle, but definitely are making lives easier.

Oxo website

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